Career Readiness Middle School Learning for Students with Cerebral Palsy

By Jim Hasse, ABC, GCDF, Disability Employment Expert

Career Book 2 is a career readiness middle school guide which summarizes the track you can take in coaching your youngster with cerebral palsy (CP). It's available as an eBook and as a paperback.

Cover of Career Book 2 showing middle school student in wheel chair holding a basketball.

Career Book 2: Confidence booster

Here's why you need to read this book of career readiness middle school strategies. It shows how leveraging disability worked for me in the mainstream job market -- even though I walked and talked with difficulty due to CP. 

For me, this book's 16 career-readiness strategies were a confidence boosters because, together, they provided me with a quick career readiness assessment.

 In this quick read (about 40 minutes), you get:

  • Expert advice
  • Potential pathways
  • Mainstream orientation

Now is the time to help your middle school student with CP begin to think about how to tap disability's edge in tomorrow's job market.

The steps you take today will help your youngster gain insight for effectively managing his or her career as an adult.

Strategies for mentoring your middle school student

During the 1980s, I didn’t have an opportunity to tell my mom about what I had learned about developing a career as an individual with CP.

Here are Career Book 2's time-tested strategies which now, decades later, may help you coach your youngster as a career readiness middle school student.

Growing in Self-confidence

Strategy 1 - Learn What Success Means for Your Youngster
Strategy 2 - Use Free Assessment Tests for Guidance
Strategy 3 - Harness Humor for Putting Things in a New Light
Strategy 4 - Recognize the Power of Focused Practice
Strategy 5 - Understand the Importance of Work
Strategy 6 - Plan for a Future School-to-work Transition
Strategy 7 - Become Familiar with JAN and SOAR
Strategy 8 - Prepare for Tomorrow’s Telecommuting

Strategy 9 - Mentor Your Youngster

Discovering Disability’s Competitive Edge

Strategy 10 - Use Stories as a Showcasing Medium
Strategy 11 -
Keep Current with Crucial Technology
Strategy 12 - Make Exploring Careers a Fun Exercise
Strategy 13 - Learn How to Challenge False Assumptions
Strategy 14
- Plan for Overcoming STEM Obstacles
Strategy 15 - Follow New Guideposts for Career Development
Strategy 16
- Prepare for the Question Not Asked

Series of Career Books: Get all 5

Each of these five Career Books takes about 40 minutes to read.

Each illustrates and summarizes the essential career development strategies to follow for your youngster’s age group – all based on the road map recommended by National Career Development Guidelines (NCDG) and my experience as a Global Career Development Facilitator and as a person with cerebral palsy and mainstream work experience.

Get all five Career Books.

Excerpt from strategy 4

The key to success, more often than not, is simply deliberate, focused practice – not luck or innate talent.

Geoff Colvin sums up the power of deliberate practice with a purpose in his book, "Talent Is Overrated: What Really Separates World-Class Performers from Everybody Else." He writes:

"...The most important effect of practice in great performers is that it takes them beyond -- or, more precisely, around -- the limitations most of us think of as critical."

He pinpoints exactly why it makes good business sense to hire people with disabilities who have developed the motivation to work hard at precisely the things they need to improve so they can contribute to a company’s bottom line.

That’s a “selling point” your middle school youngster needs to keep in mind as he or she prepares to eventually enter the job market. In fact, now’s the time to help your youngster start keeping a diary of personal feelings generated by the need to practice due to a disability. Those personal-experience stories could eventually become very helpful as a job seeker ...

Rebecca Wilberg's LinkedIn entry recommending my eBooks.

Download Career Book 2 now as an eBook or as a paperback.

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Originally written and illustrated by Jim Hasse, ABC, GCDF, owner of Hasse Communication Counseling, LLC, who, as a person with cerebral palsy, served for 10 years as a vice president in a Fortune 500 company during his 29-year career in corporate communication. He’s an Accredited Business Communicator, certified as a Global Career Development Facilitator and author of 14 Amazon books about disability awareness and disability employment issues.