By Jim Hasse, ABC, GCDF, Disability Employment Expert
Goal setting for kids is practicing that skill and setting an example as a career-coaching parent of your elementary student with cerebral palsy (CP) so he or she can become familiar with the process.
I remember passing notes between my mom and my third grade teach on a regular basis. Just that pre-cell phone, pre-Internet means of communication in 1953 told me that both were working for my welfare and I’d better “toe the line” (whatever that meant in terms of homework, behaving in class, not being so weepy etc.).
That’s how I believe goal setting for kids starts. Your youngster recognizes your dedication to his or her well-being simply by observing your day-to-day activities which are the result of the goal setting you’ve done, either in your head or on the keyboard.
I noticed those notes each Monday and Friday in 1953 as I made the trek between our home farm and my orthopedic school often yielded some form of praise from my mom or from my teacher.
As you engage in goal setting for youngster, find reasons to praise your youngster every day. By doing so, you’re reinforcing his or her talents and strengths. That shows your youngster that you believe he or she is a valuable and capable individual who will live a meaningful life as an adult.
Goal setting for kids involves having high expectations for learning and behavior, both at home and at school. When you expect the best from your youngster, he or she will rise to your expectations.
As a “guest” in the homes of the four “house parents’ I had between second and eighth grade, I knew what mom expected: that I behave and be polite during the week in my dealings with the mom and dad of the family and their kids in my Madison “home.”
It was my responsibility because I was basically functioning without her supervision for five days out of every week. So, I automatically knew what goal setting for kids was all about by the time I was eight.
Make sure your youngster is getting the best education possible by working directly with your school and its teachers. How do you do that? Here are some goal-setting tips for kids from state of Oregon's Partnership for Occupational and Career Information:
Talk with your youngster’s teachers
Talk with your youngster about his or her schoolwork
Help your youngster develop routines
Teach your youngster to love to read
Create a study environment in your home
Spend time with your youngster at home
Goal setting for kids doesn’t have to be difficult or complicated. Each of the suggestions I listed above can be one of your goals for career coaching your elementary school youngster with CP.
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Originally written and illustrated by Jim Hasse, ABC, GCDF, owner of Hasse Communication Counseling, LLC, who, as a person with cerebral palsy, served for 10 years as a vice president in a Fortune 500 company during his 29-year career in corporate communication. He’s an Accredited Business Communicator, certified as a Global Career Development Facilitator and author of 14 Amazon books about disability awareness and disability employment issues.